PCI Resources Menu

Welcome to the PCI Resources Menu, here you can find a collection of all the learning materials we have on the platform, gathered into one convenient place.
Select one of the categories below to reveal all the learning materials under that category. Select one of the blue tags to visit that page on the site.
Resource Category Key:
Personalised Care and Support Planning – maternity
Authors / Organisation: PCI
Person-Centred Approaches
Authors / Organisation:Â Skills for Health/Skills for Care/HEE
Introduction to co-production and personalised care
Authors / Organisation: HFMA bitesize
Personalised care: the key to change
Authors / Organisation: HFMA bitesize
Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation
Authors / Organisation:Â HEE /NHS England
Shared Decision Making Learning Package (6 modules)
Authors / Organisation: Keele University and NICE
Health Education England – Assessment of end of life care
Authors / Organisation: eLFH
Motivational Interviewing Study Day
Authors / Organisation: Et Al Training
Personalised Care and Support Planning Training and Facilitation
Authors / Organisation: Year of Care
Putting shared decision making into action
Authors / Organisation: Year of CareÂ
Personalisation in Care and Support Planning
Authors / Organisation: Every-One
Health Coaching and Supported Self-Management
Authors / Organisation: HN Company
Embedding Personalised Care in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Training
Authors / Organisation: PCI
Personalised care and support for people living with cancer
Authors / Organisation: MacMillan
10 top tips for primary care: Social prescribing
Authors / Organisation: MacMillan
Social Prescribing For Cancer Patients: A Guide for Primary Care Networks – Macmillan Cancer Support
Authors / Organisation: MacMillan
Moving Medicine
Authors / Organisation: Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UKÂ
Risk and Evidence Communication in Public Health
(focuses on risk communicaton – fits with some elements of tagged curriculum)
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.Â
Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:
Primary Care Version
Authors / Organisation: PCI
Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Authors / Organisation: PCI
Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:
Plastic surgery version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.
Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:
Opthamology version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.
Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:
perioperative version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.
Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:
Cancer genetics version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre.
Supporting Self-Management for people living with Long Term Conditions Workbook
(compliments UCL partners videos)
Authors / Organisation: UCL Partners