Our free courses are suitable for all health and care professionals, regardless of profession or seniority.
Browse our learning list to find something that you’d like to learn about. Choose from short 30 min modules designed to introduce you to a range of personalised care curriculum topics and some deeper dive courses containing several modules. 85% of healthcare professionals recommend our courses.
Click the course to find out more and don’t forget to log your learning in our eLearning portal for CPD points and your certificate.

Want to view all of our online digital resources? We have collated them into an extensive list.Â
Select the button below to visit our PCI Resources Menu.
PCI eLearning

Core Skills
Improve your knowledge of personalised care Core Skills with this eLearning module – one of the key components of the PCI curriculum…

Shared Decision Making
Shared decision making (SDM) is a process by which people are supported to understand their options and are given the opportunity to consider relevant information that might influence their choice…

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
Good personalised care and support planning (PCSP) is about having a different kind of conversation about health and care, focusing on what matters to the person as well as their clinical and support needs…

Leading Personalised Care as a Junior Doctor
This course aims to educate junior doctors about the principles of personalised care and its relevance to their practice and the wider healthcare landscape…

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) – Maternity
This course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to have conversations that support women to make safe and informed decisions…

Remote consultations eLearning
This module is for all health and social care practitioners working in settings where conversations are held through telephone or video consultation (although various messaging, email and text services are included).
PCI Endorsed eLearning

Supporting Link Workers to Deliver Social Prescribing – the NHS and NHS Health Education England
This e-learning resource has been developed for social prescribing link workers and includes the core elements and skills required to do the job and deliver social prescribing as part of a PCN multi-disciplinary team…

Healthy Weight Coach
The eLearning programme will help individuals to support people living with overweight or obesity to make positive changes to their health and weight-related behaviours…

Person Centred Approaches
This eLearning supports the Person-Centred Approaches Framework, which was developed by Skills for Health, Skills for Care and NHS Health Education England…

Physical Activity and Health Programme
This e-Learning course prepares GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to champion the benefits of physical activity with their patients and, in doing so, to help prevent and/or manage a range of common physical and mental health conditions…

Make Every Contact Count
The MECC eLearning programme is designed to support learners in developing an understanding of public health and the factors that impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. It focuses on how asking questions and listening effectively to people is a vital role for us all.

Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation
This elearning course is focussed on highlighting the impact of chronic loneliness as a serious health concern and how we can all help to tackle loneliness with the interactions we have with patients and the public…

Aquatic Activity and Swimming for Health programme
This session outlines a clear learning path for healthcare professionals, social prescribers and students about when to signpost, use and engage people in aquatic activity.

Frailty: Tier 1 and Tier 2b
Tier 1 is designed to meet the learning needs of the general public, third sector staff, porters, security staff, reception staff in primary, secondary and community services. The Tier 1 learning module provides an awareness and understanding of what frailty is; how it is identified; frailty management and support available…

Personal Health Budgets – NHS England
These modules cover topics including an introduction to personal health budgets, budget setting, managing risk and decision making, and reviewing personal health budgets…

Frailty: Tier 1 and Tier 2a
Tier 2 is split into 2a and 2b. This is because the breadth of the workforce included requires a wide-ranging skill set. The concept of 2a and 2b was created to ensure that the information is tailored to the right level depending on professional role and work setting…

PRosPer – Foundation level – An introduction to personalised care, prehabilitation and rehabilitation
The PRosPer elearning programme aims to support allied health professionals and the wider healthcare workforce in developing their skills on providing personalised care via elearning and face to face sessions…

Core Skills
Improve your knowledge of personalised care Core Skills with this eLearning module – one of the key components of the PCI curriculum. The module provides a holistic view of health and care, highlighting the benefits of personalised care and demonstrating how it improves health outcomes and patient and clinician satisfaction…

Shared Decision Making
Shared decision making (SDM) is a process by which people are supported to understand their options and are given the opportunity to consider relevant information that might influence their choice…

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
Good personalised care and support planning (PCSP) is about having a different kind of conversation about health and care, focusing on what matters to the person as well as their clinical and support needs. This leads to a single plan that is owned by the individual and accessible to those supporting the person…
1 hr
Level 1 & 2
30 min
Level 3
45 min
Level 3

Leading Personalised Care as a Junior Doctor
This course aims to educate junior doctors about the principles of personalised care and its relevance to their practice and the wider healthcare landscape.

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) – Maternity
This course will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to have conversations that support women to make safe and informed decisions.Â

Remote consultations eLearning
This module is for all health and social care practitioners working in settings where conversations are held through telephone or video consultations (although various messaging, email and text services are included).Â
30 Mins
Level 1 & 2
30 Mins
Level 3
30 Mins
Level 1 & 2

Core Skills
Improve your knowledge of personalised care Core Skills with this eLearning module – one of the key components of the PCI curriculum. The module provides a holistic view of health and care, highlighting the benefits of personalised care and demonstrating how it improves health outcomes and patient and clinician satisfaction…
1 hour
Level 1 & 2

Leading Personalised Care as a Junior Doctor
This course aims to educate junior doctors about the principles of personalised care and its relevance to their practice and the wider healthcare landscape. It focuses on how junior doctors already have many of the skills and behaviours to deliver personalised care and how they can develop them further to become leaders for personalised care. It will discuss how junior doctors can effect changes in their workplace to lead the transformation in the way we deliver care to one that truly centres on what matters to the people we treat.
1 hour
Level 1 & 2

Shared Decision Making
Shared decision making (SDM) is a process by which people are supported to understand their options and are given the opportunity to consider relevant information that might influence their choice…
30 min
Level 3

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
Good personalised care and support planning (PCSP) is about having a different kind of conversation about health and care, focusing on what matters to the person as well as their clinical and support needs. This leads to a single plan that is owned by the individual and accessible to those supporting the person…
45 min
Level 3

Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP) - Maternity
This course is designed to help healthcare professionals to offer personalised maternity care. It will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to have conversations that support women to make safe and informed decisions during antenatal care and delivery…
30 min
Level 3

Healthy Weight Coach
The elearning programme will help individuals to support people living with overweight or obesity to make positive changes to their health and weight-related behaviours.

Person Centred Approaches
This eLearning supports the Person-Centred Approaches Framework, which was developed by Skills for Health, Skills for Care and NHS Health Education England.Â

Supporting Link Workers to Deliver Social Prescribing – the NHS and NHS Health Education England
This e-learning resource has been developed for social prescribing link workers and includes the core elements and skills required to do the job and deliver social prescribing as part of a PCN multi-disciplinary team.
4 hrs
Level 1 & 2
5 hrs
Level 1 & 2
5 hrs
Level 3

Make Every Contact Count
This elearning course is focussed on highlighting the impact of chronic loneliness as a serious health concern and how we can all help to tackle loneliness with the interactions we have with patients and the public.Â

Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation
This elearning course is focussed on highlighting the impact of chronic loneliness as a serious health concern and how we can all help to tackle loneliness with the interactions we have with patients and the public.

Physical Activity and Health Programme
This e-Learning course prepares GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to champion the benefits of physical activity with their patients and, in doing so, to help prevent and/or manage a range of common physical and mental health conditions.
1.5 hrs
Level 1 & 2
45 mins
Level 1 & 2
6.5 hrs
Level 1 & 2

PRosPer – Foundation level – An introduction to personalised care, prehabilitation and rehabilitation
The PRosPer elearning programme aims to support allied health professionals and the wider healthcare workforce in developing their skills on providing personalised care via elearning and face to face sessions.

Personal Health Budgets – NHS England
These modules cover topics including an introduction to personal health budgets, budget setting, managing risk and decision making, and reviewing personal health budgets.
3 hrs
Level 1 & 2
2 hrs
Level 3

Frailty: Tier 1 and Tier 2a
Tier 2Â is split into 2a and 2b. This is because the breadth of the workforce included requires a wide-ranging skill set. The concept of 2a and 2b was created to ensure that the information is tailored to the right level depending on professional role and work setting.
Tier 2a
This includes but is not limited to:
- First responders such as London Ambulance Service, Hatszola Trust, St Johns Ambulance service, Good Samaritan volunteers, London Air Ambulance service
- Rapid response workforce such as rapid response nurses, community matrons, rapid response allied health professionals and pharmacists
- Care navigators
- Unregistered healthcare staff at band 2 to band 4
- Band 5 and lower band 6 registered nurses in emergency services and same day emergency services
- Doctors in emergency departments
- Pharmacist technicians
- Nursing associates
- Physician associates
- Community and social services staff
- Care home staff

Frailty: Tier 1 and Tier 2b
Tier 1Â is designed to meet the learning needs of the general public, third sector staff, porters, security staff, reception staff in primary, secondary and community services. The Tier 1 learning module provides an awareness and understanding of what frailty is; how it is identified; frailty management and support available.
Tier 2b
This level of training is for health and social care staff and others who are working in emergency departments and acute frailty services
This includes but is not limited to:
- GPs working in emergency departments
- Registrars and senior grade doctors in emergency departments
- Consultant physicians
- Acute care social workers
- Senior band 6 and 7 registered Nurses
- Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, and dieticians
- Band 7 and 8 pharmacists
- Emergency department advanced nurse practitioners
- Acute frailty practitioners
- Same day emergency care workforce
3 hrs
Level 1 & 2
3 hrs
Level 1 & 2
External Partner Endorsed eLearning

Shared Decision Making Learning Package
To support implementation of the NICE guideline on shared decision making, Keele University and NICE have worked in partnership to develop an online learning package. This is suitable for all healthcare professionals and aims to equip people with the skills and knowledge they need to have good-quality shared decision-making conversations with the people they are caring for.
The learning package is free to access and users can do so by clicking on the links below. It takes approximately 4 hours to complete and is made up of 6 modules.

Shared Decision Making Programme – Aqua, Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and The University of Cambridge
This e-Learning resource provides guidance on what shared decision making (SDM) is and how to implement it in practice. It also provides resources to help healthcare professionals learn the required skills they need for SDM. The sessions include films to illustrate examples of good and bad consultations and prompts, along with resources to aid healthcare professionals with their work.

Health Education England – End of Life care for all training
The End-of-life care for all (e-ELCA) elearning programme aims to enhance the training and education of the health and social care workforce so that well-informed high-quality care can be delivered by confident and competent staff and volunteers to support people wherever they happen to be.
e-ELCA sessions have been highlighted as a resource to help with implementation of the NICE Guidelines on improving care for people who are in their last days of life.
Helping Patients Make Informed Decisions: Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits (Perioperative Care)
licensed to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and adapted by the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication for the UK
This course is designed to help clinicians to develop skills for communicating effectively with patients about the potential harms and benefits of treatment options.