Personalised Care and Support Planning
Anyone receiving health and social care services can benefit from personalised care and support planning (PCSP). The process ensures that people receive a joined-up holistic plan that takes everything into consideration and suits their health and wellbeing needs.
Personalised care and support planning starts with an initial integrated assessment of the individual’s priorities and then moves through a series of facilitated conversations between the person – or someone who is close to them – and their health and care professionals, where they discuss and explore the management of their health and wellbeing in the context of their personal situation. Skills and strengths will be recognised, as well as the things that matter the most to them. This process also addresses things that may not be working in a person’s life and identifies specific actions to resolve these.
Empowering people to become active participants in the planning and management of their own health and wellbeing allows outcomes and solutions to have the most impact on their lives, meaning there are improved chances of people successfully supporting treatment plans.
Streamlining the process by integrating health and social care at the point of assessment and planning means a person can avoid repeating their situation time and time again. They will have one assessment and planning experience that results in a single integrated personalised care and support plan.
Visit our eLearning module to find out more about our short Personalised Care and Support Planning module.