2-day ‘Workforce Training’ for Link Workers, Care Coordinators and other Health, Social and Community Care workers

Authors / Organisation: Know your own Health

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

2-Day Tailored Health Coaching for Health and Social Care Professionals

Authors / Organisation: Peak Health Coaching

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

4-day Training for ‘Health & Wellbeing Coaches’

Authors / Organisation: Know your own Health

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

Online Social Presciber Plus programme

Authors / Organisation: DNA Insight

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

Healthy Weight Coach

Authors / Organisation: HEE/NHS England

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

Healthy Weight Coaches

Authors / Organisation: PCI

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

Health coaching: advancing your capabilities

Authors / Organisation: PCI

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

Tools to implement supported self-management

Authors / Organisation: NHS England

4 weeks
3 hrs per week

Health Coaching. Implementation and Quality Summary Guide

Authors / Organisation: NHS England

4 weeks
3 hrs per week
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