Core Skills

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Personalised Care Teams by Design

Authors / Organisation: Aqua

Shared Decision-Making

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Shared Decision-Making

Authors / Organisation: AQA / AoMRC / University of Cambridge

Shared Decision Making Learning Package

(6 modules)
Authors / Organisation: Keele University and NICE

Decision Support Tools

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Health literacy skills to support SDM

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Shared Decision Making Masterclass

Authors / Organisation: PCI

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Cancer genetics version
Authors / Organisation: Peak Health Coaching

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Authors / Organisation: Peak Health Coaching

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Opthamology version
Authors / Organisation: Aqua

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Plastic surgery version
Authors / Organisation: DNA Insight

Communicating Potential Harms and Benefits:

Primary Care Version
Authors / Organisation: University of Cambridge. Winton Centre

Maternity Videos

Authors / Organisation: PCI Website

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